
Subdivision is the division of one lot into two or more lots and/or the amalgamation of several lots in to one.

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) assesses and determines applications for freehold and survey strata subdivision and amalgamation. 

All subdivision applications that affect land in the Shire of Murray are referred to us by the WAPC for comment and recommended conditions. Find out the full process below. 

Step 1 - Review Shire specifications

Our comments and recommendations will be based on the Shire's Planning Framework.

It is important your application refers to and adheres to the framework so we recommend you take a look before submitting your application to WAPC. 

Planning Framework


Step 2 - Prepare your application

Visit the WAPC website to download relevant forms and submit your application. 

WAPC website

Step 3 - Application referred

The WAPC will refer your application to any affected/interested government agencies and utility providers for comment and recommended conditions. This includes the Shire of Murray, and we will review your submission and make comment.

Step 4 - WAPC decision

The WAPC will approve or refuse your application.

If your application is approved, it will likely include subdivision conditions. It will also indicate what government agency/utility provider is required to sign off on the fulfilment of each condition.

Step 5 - Undertake works

You will arrange for all the subdivision approval conditions to be fulfilled.

The State Government's residential design codes page will help you understand what is required to fulfill some of the most common conditions imposed on small residential subdivisions.

Step 6 - Prepare subdivision clearance application

Before the expiry of a subdivision approval, the applicant is required to contact the agency or authority noted in brackets at the end of each condition on the WAPC approval letter to clear the relevant conditions. This authority then provides written advice confirming that WAPC's requirements have been fulfilled.

Complete a subdivision clearance application when all work is complete, and prior to the expiry date included on the WAPC Subdivision Approval.

To apply for subdivision clearance from the Shire of Murray, please provide: 

  • A completed Subdivision Clearance Form.
  • Diagram or plan of survey (Deposited/Survey Strata Plan).
  • WAPC Subdivision Approval letter.
  • Supporting information to demonstrate how each Shire of Murray condition has been met.
  • Staging Plan (if applicable) – where subdivision approval is proposed to be staged (such as a residential estate), the deposited plans should be highlighted on the WAPC approved plan of subdivision and accompanied by a Staging Plan to assist in early consideration of deposited plans by the Shire, and to demonstrate when and how approval conditions will be complied with.

Download a Subdivision Clearance Form

Step 7 - Submit application 

Your application can be submitted: 

In person: Administration Office at 1915 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra

Post: PO Box 21, Pinjarra, WA, 6208 


Step 8 - Make payment

If you are submitting your application in person, please bring payment with you.

If you are submitting your application electronically, we will contact you to arrange payment. 

If you are submitting your application via post, cheques are to be made payable to the Shire of Murray.

Please note that fees are not payable for POS, drainage, common property or balance title lots.

Planning Fees and Charges

Step 9 - Clearance provided

We will approve your application for subdivision clearance once you have met our recommended conditions. You will need to send this approval to the WAPC.