Western Deviation

Project type Transport
Completion date Ongoing
Estimated cost To be determined


The Western Deviation is the missing piece of the Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation puzzle. It will link heavy trucks from Pinjarra Road and the Pinjarra Industrial Area onto the Heavy Haulage route. This will then allow important development within the town centre of George Street and Pinjarra Road, which is important for Pinjarra’s future economic prosperity.


Pinjarra is the Peel Region’s Secondary Centre and serves an important role in the region’s economy, including employment and essential services.

With the town’s population and industrial growth continuing to climb, Pinjarra has reached a critical point whereby action is needed to ensure industry can thrive, while the lifestyle and character of one of WA’s oldest towns is preserved.

Over the last two decades, the renewal of the town centre and industry expansion has seen increases in local and heavy vehicle movements through Pinjarra, and it continues to grow.

In 2009, the South Western Highway through Pinjarra carried nearly 10,000 vehicles per day (VPD). In February 2022, traffic recorded at the intersection of South Western Highway and Pinjarra Road (traffic light signals) averaged 15,852 vehicles per day during weekdays.

This puts a major strain on Pinjarra town centre, impacts safety and causes a vast amount of ongoing maintenance. Add to this the fact that Pinjarra’s population is expected to grown from 5,000 to 16,000 by 2036, and the need for a comprehensive solution is all the more apparent.

For many years, the Shire has sought to address to this growing problem. This has included a three-phase project comprising deviation and traffic route links.

Main Roads has already completed construction of stage 1 – realigning Greenlands Avenue to connect with the new roundabout on South Western Highway. The Heavy Haulage Deviation will provide an alternative route for heavy vehicles to travel around Pinjarra town centre, linking South Western Highway to Pinjarra Williams Road.

The final piece of the puzzle is the Western Deviation. This will link heavy trucks from Pinjarra Road and the Pinjarra Industrial Area onto the Heavy Haulage route. It will formalise a complete ring road around Pinjarra, which will in turn ensure connectivity for local and State industry while enabling the town centre's main streetscape to become more pedestrian friendly, vibrant and attractive.

Without the construction of the Western Deviation the downgrade of Pinjarra Road and other State roads within the Pinjarra town centre can’t be progressed as the links through the town centre need to be maintained.

The Western Deviation, once constructed in parallel with the Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation, will form part of the overarching Main Roads transport network. This will enable the downgrading of the Main Roads transport network within the Pinjarra Town Centre.

The re-direction of traffic enabled by the Western Deviation serves as a precursor to the planned Pinjarra Road enhancements, which will help to stimulate the development and intensification of commercial and retail land uses within the town centre. This in turn will generate a range of transport benefits and provide direct freight access to the Pinjarra Industrial Area, which is expected to expand significantly over the coming years.

The combined effect of the project will support the continued generation of local employment opportunities within Murray, increasing the region’s contribution to Gross State Product and playing a critical role in attracting new residents to the area. At capacity the industrial area will attract a minimum of 2717 direct full-time equivalent jobs.

Project benefits

  • Provide alternative route for heavy vehicles
  • Improve safety for pedestrians and local drivers
  • Reduce congestion in Pinjarra
  • Improve accessibility to Pinjarra Industrial Area
  • Downgrade of Pinjarra Road and development of an activated town centre.
Contact Details

Name: Shire of Murray

Phone: 9531 7777

Email: mailbag@murray.wa.gov.au