Murray Health Futures

Project type Health
Completion date Ongoing
Cost estimate $50 million
Business case

Business case



An integrated, community-based care model that includes short and long-term solutions to reduce the health gap within Murray and improve residents’ health, wellbeing and quality of life.


Statistics show, people living in Murray have more long-term health conditions – such as arthritis, heart disease and lung conditions – when compared to Greater Perth.

Sadly, 37 per cent of Murray residents have a long-term health condition, compared to 30 per cent in Greater Perth. Additionally, 83 per cent of adults are overweight (vs 66 per cent in WA), 23 per cent have high blood pressure (vs 17 per cent in WA) and 14.8 per cent have high or very high psychological distress (vs 10.4 per cent in WA).

Adding to the burden of disease is a higher prevalence of a number of lifestyle risk factors, including 40.2 per cent of adults consuming more than two standard drinks on any day, 29 per cent eating fast food weekly and 45.1 per cent undertaking insufficient physical activity.

With Murray’s population expected to grow from 19,110 in 2022 to around 21,610 by 2031 – comprising a higher proportion of older residents than Perth – now is the time to identify a suitable long-term solution that will ensure future generations can access the care they need, when they need it.

As such, the Shire established a Steering Committee undertake a health and social needs analysis and a identify a long-term solution to health care service provision in Murray. The Murray Health Futures Steering Committee includes representatives from the Shire, South Metropolitan Health Service, WA Primary Health Alliance and Peel Development Commission.

The Murray Health Futures Committee has completed a thorough Health and Social Needs Analysis. The 62-page report was the culmination of significant research that provides independent, robust data about current and future needs for health services in Murray.  

During the project, the Shire invited the community to have a say on health services. Sadly, only 35.3% of respondents could always get access to health care when needed. They also identified the following as desirable outcomes that would help them get better access health care services:

  • More available appointments (74%)
  • Evening or weekend appointments (53.4%)
  • Lower out of pocket costs (50%)
  • Services closer to where I live (34.8%)
  • Multiple services in the same location (31.4%).

The Shire's task now is to take the findings of the report and develop a business case that details the required strategies and infrastructure to address the issue. The Shire estimates $50 million will be required to deliver a health hub in Murray, to provide a central location for a range of health services.

Murray Health Social Needs Analysis 

Project benefits

  • Improved access to health care services
  • Increased appointment availability
  • Preventative health programs reduce long-term health issues.

Health statistics

  • In 2022/23 there were 8,077 presentations made to emergency departments by people lining in the Shire of Murray. The majority presented to Peel Health Campus (76.5), followed by Fiona Stanley Hospital (5.4%) and Rockingham General Hospital (5.3%).2
  • In 2022/23, there was a total of 15,099 outpatient appointments attended by 3,018 Shire of Murray residents in public health facilities. The disciplines most attended were orthopaedics, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.2
  • According to a community survey undertaken by the Shire of Murray, only 35.3% of respondents could always get access to health care when needed.2
  • When asked to select from a list of options related to improving access to health care, participants of the survey identified the following as those which would help the local Murray community to better access health care services:
    • More available appointments (74%)2
    • Evening or weekend appointments (53.4%)2
    • Lower out of pocket costs (50%)2
    • Services closer to where I live (34.8%)2
    • Multiple services in the same location (31.4%).2
  • 37% of Murray residents have a long-term health issue, compared to 30% in Greater Perth.1
  • 39.5% of adults drink alcohol at levels that put them at risk of harm, compared to 34.4% in WA.1
  • 13.8% smoke, compared to 11% in WA.1
  • 45.1% adults are not sufficiently physically active, compared with 41% in WA.1
  • 51.8% of adults live with obesity, compared with 34.5% in WA.1
  • 28% adults have high blood pressure, compared with 22% in WA.1
  • 8% of adults have high or very high psychological distress, compared with 10.4% in WA.1
  • Murray’s population is expected to grow by 9% every five years and projected to reach 21,610 people by 2031.2
  • 24.1% of the Murray population is over the age of 65 years.2
  • Murray is ranked 42nd most disadvantaged area out of 139 Local Government Areas in WA.2


1Shire of Murray Health and Wellbeing Profile 2023

2Murray Region Health and Social Needs Analysis

Murray Shire Council Community profile (

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Contact Details

Name: Murray Health Futures Committee

Phone: 9531 7777


Project Timeline
  • Undertake health and social needs analysis

  • Present health and social needs analysis to public

  • Develop business case

  • Business case submitted to government