Shire of Murray Council Plan 2023-2033 adopted

Published on Friday, 23 June 2023 at 10:06:05 AM

Council has adopted the Shire of Murray Council Plan 2023 – 2033, setting the Shire’s priorities for the next ten years.

Shire President, Councillor David Bolt, said the plan sets a new vision for Murray; an outstanding place for community, lifestyle and opportunity.

“Informed by significant community consultation, our Council Plan represents community priorities and aligns our actions to them,” said Cr Bolt.

“The plan includes five strategic focus areas - people, planet, place, prosperity and performance – with a particular focus on health, economic development, tourism development and environmental sustainability.

“Inclusive of 185 specific actions across multiple themes, the plan outlines the deliberate steps we will take to drive outcomes and achieve our vision,” added Cr Bolt.

The formal adoption of the Shire’s Council Plan 2023 -2033 took place at last night’s Council meeting. It follows the most comprehensive period of public consultation in the Council’s history.

Consultation included community workshops, community surveys, seminars, an online community voicebank and the Shire’s first-ever youth summit. 1476 surveys were completed, and 66,852 words of community ideas, suggestions and recommendations were collated.

“On behalf of Council, I would like to thank everyone that contributed towards this shared vision for Murray. We look forward to continued conversations as the plan is implemented,” added Cr Bolt.

Prior to its formal adoption, the plan was presented to more than 150 people at sundowner event on 7 June. This provided community further opportunities to raise questions and provide feedback, which was very positive.

View the Council Plan

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