Tree Removal/Pruning

Time Sensitivity

Does your report require immediate attention?

Nature of Request

This form relates to trees located in or on Shire of Murray parks, verges, roundabouts, median strips or building surrounds

I am reporting a tree that requires

Street trees may be considered for removal if they are:

  • Dead or diseased and beyond remedial treatment
  • Structurally weak and dangerous, posing a risk to public safety
  • Rendered dangerous and/or irreparable due to storm damage
  • A hazard to pedestrians and motorists as its location, species or alignment obstructs necessary vision or other safety aspects
  • In dangerous proximity to overhead power lines or distribution wires and where for reasons of growth habit pertaining to the species, selective pruning is not practical

Street trees are pruned on a schedule, which varies depending on their proximity to overhead powerlines

Trees will not be pruned or removed on the basis of:

  • Causing too much shade
  • Dropping fruit, bark or leaves
  • Obstructing scenic views
  • Personal preference

Your Details

Your details will remain anonymous, however are required as we may need to contact you for additional information to assist our investigations.

Report Details

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