Direct Debit Application


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Your Details

This address is the same as my*This field is required.

Additional Owner (if applicable)

I am authorised to update these details on behalf of this owner

Instalment Details

Payment dates and amounts will be reflected on your annual rates notice issued after 1 July each year

Please indicate your preferred option below*This field is required.

Continue this direct debit arrangement annually
Add an additional property

Bank Account Details

I (for and on behalf of all owners) authorise the Shire of Murray ABN 16 036 156 261 with User ID Number 344611 to arrange for funds to be debited from my/our account through the Bulk electronic Clearing System (BECS), held with the Financial Institution identified below.

Is this bank account in joint names?*This field is required.


Direct Debit Request Service Agreement

  1. The Shire of Murray (the “Debit User”) will debit the BSB/Account nominated in The Schedule of this Direct Debit Request as specified.
  2. The Shire of Murray will give not less than 14 days written notice to the customer should it propose to vary the arrangements of this Direct Debit Request.
  3. An administration fee of $30.00 will be charged by The Shire of Murray for a Direct Debit plan.
  4. Deductions will be made from your nominated account on a Friday until the debt is paid in full or otherwise agreed.
  5. The customer(s) may request The Shire of Murray to defer or alter the payment amount specified in the Schedule of this Direct Debit Request. Requests authorising these changes may be made by phoning 08 9531 7608 or written advice to The Shire of Murray PO Box 21, Pinjarra WA 6208 or email to Customer(s) may change the due date of payment, payment amount and the frequency of the payment. Customer(s) wishing to vary the drawing account details specified in The Schedule of this Direct Debit Request must provide signed authority for such changes to be effected.
  6. In compliance with the Industry’s Direct Debit Claims Process, The Shire of Murray will assist customer(s) in disputing any payment amount drawn on the nominated BSB/Account in The Schedule of this Direct Debit Request. The Shire of Murray will endeavour to resolve this matter within the Industry agreed timeframes. Customer(s) may visit any branch of their financial institution and complete a “Direct Debit System Claim Request” form to initiate the process.
  7. The Shire of Murray advises that some Financial Institution accounts do not facilitate direct debits and as such the customer(s)must check with their Financial Institution to ensure the account nominated in The Schedule of this Direct Debit Request enables direct debiting through BECS.
  8. Please check that the account details you have provided to us are correct by checking them against a recent account statement.
  9. It is the customer(s) responsibility to ensure at all times there are sufficient cleared funds available, at the due date of the debit drawing, to enable payment from the BSB/Account as nominated in The Schedule of this Direct Debit Request.
  10. The Shire of Murray advises the debit drawing will be made on the agreed due date as nominated in The Schedule of this Direct Debit Request. When the due date is a closed business day The Shire of Murray will initiate the debit drawing on the next open business date. Customer(s) may direct processing inquiries to their financial institution. A closed business day is defined as any calendar day on which the customer(s) financial institution is not open for direct debit processing. That is weekends, public holiday – state and public holiday – national.
  11. Customer(s) who wish to cancel this Direct Debit Request must notify The Shire of Murray in writing not less than 7 days before the next scheduled debit drawing. This request may be directed to The Shire of Murray or to a customer(s) financial institution.
  12. The Shire of Murray may pass on to you any bank fees it may incur that relate to a dishonoured Direct Debit drawing. If your drawing is returned we will contact you to discuss alternate payment arrangements.
  13. The Shire of Murray requests the customer(s) to direct all enquires, disputes requests for payment changes or cancellations directly to them.
  14. The Shire of Murray agrees to keep confidential all customer(s) records and account details contained in The Schedule of this Direct Debit Request unless authorised to release such information pursuant to a debit item dispute or similar event where the customer (s) has provided prior consent to do so.

Your Responsibilities to the Shire of Murray:

  • Ensure that your nominated account can accept Direct Debits.
  • Ensure that on the drawing date, there are sufficient funds available in your nominated account.
  • Advise the Shire of Murray accordingly should your account be transferred or closed.
  • Provide information of any alterations to your existing arrangement to the Shire of Murray in writing.

The Service Agreement will be emailed to you together with your completed form, following form submission

As a part of forming this arrangement, I hereby agree to abide by my commitment and understand that if I am in default of this arrangement, then Council may commence immediate debt recovery procedures.

Upon the signing of this agreement, I also understand and acknowledge:

  • That an administration fee of $30.00 will apply along with penalty interest of 7% per annum (calculated daily) that will accrue on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full
  • That reminder notices will NOT be sent to me while this arrangement is in place
  • This arrangement will be terminated at the end of each financial year and if necessary a new arrangement must be made for the new financial year
  • That I have read and understood the Direct Debit Service Agreement above
I agree to the above conditions*This field is required.

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