COPY - Community Safety Consultation

We are conducting this survey to better understand the perception of community safety in our neighborhood.

Your input is invaluable in helping us identify areas of concern and improvement. This survey is anonymous, and your responses will be kept confidential. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

What is your age?*This field is required.

What is your gender?*This field is required.

I believe the crime rate in the Shire of Murray is...*This field is required.

How long have you resided in the Shire of Murray?*This field is required.

During that time, do you feel there is...*This field is required.

My top three sources of information about community safety and crime are...*This field is required.

I have personally witnessed crime or suspicious behaviour occuring in the community within the last 12 months.*This field is required.
The crime or suspicious behaviour I witnessed was:

Did you report the crime or suspicious behavior above?
How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood during the day?*This field is required.

How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood during the evening?*This field is required.

Is there anywhere specific you do not feel safe in the Shire of Murray?*This field is required.
Have you or anyone in your household been a victim of a crime in the past year?*This field is required.
Are you a member of a neighbourhood watch or community safety group?*This field is required.

How satisfied are you with the efforts made by local authorities and community organisations to address safety concerns in your neighbourhood?*This field is required.